Lead DESIGNER, Amazon

Lead DESIGNER, Amazon

Mukul Agarwal is a digital product designer

currently designing at Amazon.

He specializes in partnering with
early-stage teams building for scale.

Mukul Agarwal is a digital product designer

currently designing at Amazon.

He specializes in partnering with
early-stage teams building for scale.

Mukul Agarwal is a digital product designer currently designing at Amazon.

He specializes in partnering with early-stage teams building for scale.

Save Room @Amazon

Strategy, Web design, Augmented Reality , AI design, Research, Prototyping

Led a team of 3 to launch a zero-to-one product that allows people to decorate their rooms using a 3D image taken from their phone.


View in Your Room @Amazon

Strategy, Mobile design, Augmented Reality, AI design, Research, Prototyping

Lead designer responsible for all Augmented Reality shopping experiences adding to 500



App Design, Generative AI, UX, Visual design, Strategy

Designed an app that uses Generative AI to offer transcriptions of podcasts, bypass ads, and acts as a knowledge repository for all the podcasts you've ever heard and beyond.



UX, Web design, Branding, Visual Design

Led the design of a web app that allows Web3 customers to filter important messages from thousands of Discord channels.


Mukul Agarwal © 2023